Saturday, June 17, 2006

Two more days!

That's right folks! I have two more days of class and then two days of exams and then no more kids for this year! I have really, really enjoyed my job but I am so tired right now and can't wait for summer break. I still have to be at school until the 30th but that week is going to be so relaxing.

On another note, there is a movie being filmed here in Cloverdale on Main Street. Andrew and I walked down there the other night to look at the set. The whole main street is dressed up to look like a Christmas festival. There is fake snow everywhere, Christmas lights, fake fronts on a lot of the buildings, and a "skating" rink in the middle of the street. It's really cool. Apparently the movie is called "Deck the Halls" and stars Matthew Broderick and Danny Devito. It's supposed to come out at Christmas time (go figure). At certain times, the public is allowed to wander down amongst the sets and just look at everything. There is a table in front of one of the stores that is FILLED with chocolate bars (just a set piece) and a big sign that says "Don't eat the candy - It's very old" - made me laugh. Some of the people from our church are also extras in the film. Just right place at the right time, I guess. This is probably the biggest budget production that has been filmed here (and there have been quite a few - Slither, Muppets Wizard of Oz), and Cloverdale also plays home to downtown Smallville. It's quite fun living so close to a common movie location. Andrew was almost in Dr. Doolittle 3 but he isn't actually shown in the crowd. He spent an afternoon one day watching a "rodeo" at the Cloverdale fair grounds but I guess you can't actually see him in the crowd. I haven't actually checked for myself, though. It would mean watching that movie, which I'm not really wanting to do.

Wow, this post has turned into quite the stream of consciousness jumble. I should end it here and go work on the PILE of marking I have left to do before Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

While the iron is hot

That's right. Strike. It's never really a word that teachers want to hear (at least not me). We would like our democratic (i.e. bureaucratic) bargaining system to actually work - the first time. We would like to see adherence to class size limits, adherence to composition limits, and we would like a fair salary. And we would like all this to occur, in a timely fashion, where the two negotiating parties come to an actual agreement. But maybe I'm being a little idealistic.

I am talking about the BC education system. In the fall (before I was hired), teachers fought for students' learning conditions and teachers' working conditions and won. Now, we are trying to reach a fair salary settlement. At the maximum level on the scale (11 years) with 5 years of education (what most BC teachers have) BC teachers are currently making $10 000 to $12 000 LESS than teachers in Alberta and Ontario. In a few years, we will likely be making less than teachers in Saskatchewan. The problem? In the lower mainland, living expenses and inflation are out of control (and I don't see that changing in the near future - we filled up with gas two days ago for $1.22/L) and BC is a HAVE province. There IS money in the budget. We would just like to be closer to what Alberta and Ontario teachers make.

As a result of stalled negotiations, the BCTF is taking a strike vote tomorrow. This means there is a possibility of "job action" (going on strike) in September if a settlement is not reached by June 30. The last time negotiations stalled, the government legislated a contract and then extended it without going back to the bargaining table. That is what made teachers angry in the fall. Hopefully, we reach a solution this time. I guess I'll see what happens.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I should be working...

Do you remember being in school? Do you remember feeling how the last possible thing that you wanted to do in June was go to school? Well, this feeling is not limited just to students. So, instead of doing something productive for my job, I'm blogging. Not that I have anything to say right now.

Random thought #1 - My cat has multiple personalites, I think. Or OCD. He can't decide whether he is an indoor cat or an outdoor cat and as a result, I have to get up from whatever I'm doing every 20 minutes to let him out or let him in. He also has a weird habit of walking across a room, stopping very abruptly to lick his hind leg twice, and continuing on as if nothing had happened. At least that part is entertaining.

Random thought #2 - We went to an advance screening of Cars yesterday. It was free. It was more entertaining than I thought it was going to be (I'm not much into talking machines - especially robots) and I laughed out loud a few times. Pixar's trend of making quality movies continues. Very funny credits, too.

Random thought #3 - I realize that a lot of my blogs about teaching seem really negative. I actually do like my job but I guess I use my blog to let out some of my frustrations with students, the system, or "the man." There are still a lot of positives to my job. The other day, a student brought me a cupcake from cooking class. He was very sincere about bringing it especially for me and would have put icing on it except they are not allowed icing. Of course now I have to decide "Do I eat the cupcake or do I pretend to eat the cupcake?" Well, I ate the cupcake. It's three days later and I have suffered no ill effects. It was very sweet of him to share.

Random thought #4 - Now I really have to go get some work done. Two weeks and two days left of classes followed by two days of exams - I can do that. After that, it's just working around the school, cleaning up my classroom, and then wondering what to do until June 30. Then two months of freedom.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

A post for Neal

Teachers are really busy towards the end of May and beginning of June. The last two weeks have just been a smidge crazy. Therefore no blogs.

For all you math people out there, here's an equation for you:

Lots of marking + very full weekends = No blogging for me

Oh, and a word of wisdom to any students out there... The beginnning of June is TOO late to start caring about your mark. I could say I told you so... over and over and over and over...