Thursday, April 27, 2006

Scaredy Class?

So today I was told that one of my classes is scared of me. Really?!? I found out this tidbit from a student in one of my other classes. She apparently has friends in this class and they say that I am strict and mean and that they are scared of me. To anyone who knows me, does this make sense? Do I really come across as terrifying? I mean I breath fire like a dragon, can roar like a lion, and shoot lasers from my eyes, but is that really all that scary?

But then I remember... the class who apparently thinks I am scary also thinks that I mark too hard, I give them too many assignments, too many tests, and the the list goes on and on. The whining never ends.

I never take stuff like this seriously, though. If I did I'd already have a complex and I've only been teaching for 3 months.

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