Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Val says...

We have a science teaching assistant at our school. Basically what she says, goes. Period. And I'm ok with that.

She is awesome. She knows the science store room inventory like the back of her hand and if I say "Do you know where ________ is?" she always has an answer for me.

It's quite a luxury, though. Not all science teachers have the privilege of having someone to set out lab equipment, set up labs, yell at children who are playing with fire, etc. I feel very lucky to have someone to do that. My students get to do more labs because it frees up some of my time.

Our TA also listens when I'm frustrated with my students. For instance, I related this scenario to her today. I gave an assignment and had 4 handed in out of 18. Now in my opinion, that's pathetic. You probably agree with me. But what am I to do? I gave time in class, let students take it for homework, and even gave them an extra day. If they choose not to do their assignments after all that they deserve the 0 they get. If they want to be lazy, there is nothing I can do to change that.

But hey, I look at the bright side. Assignments sure are easy to mark when I only have 4 to do.

1 comment:

neal said...

I rememebr back to my high school days, and the thing I found annoying to no end was fellow students who would slack off all symester, only to have their parents come in at the end of symester and bitch until all incompleted assignments could be handed in at full marks...

for the sake of the smart kids, please PLEASE be a hard ass