Saturday, November 04, 2006

Still a bad blogger

Well, at least no one is hassling me about my lack of posting. However, maybe this just means people have given up on me. . . Anyway, I haven't even really been reading any blogs lately. I feel like all of my time is being taken up by school work and the gigantic pile of marking that I always seem to have. It's this neverending pile of student work that I have to go through. And there is always more of it. Fun, fun.

In the remaining time that I have, I have been teaching first year confirmation at the church (over for now - starts up again in January), co-leading a youth girl's bible study, and trying to see my husband as much as possible. We are getting away next weekend and going to Leavenworth, WA. Since we are so close to the border, getting away to the States is actually quite easy. The irony is that this is the first time since moving down here that we are doing that. Leavenworth seems like it will be a fun place to visit - it's a small Bavarian village in the Cascade mountains with lots of neat little shops. I think we will have fun.

1 comment:

A J Craig said...

Iknow we will... it is us after all