Thursday, December 07, 2006

How to get three days off in the middle of a week

So this past week, I went to work on Monday - and that's it. Friday (tomorrow) is a day off for us. How did I manage such a feat, you ask? Well, without going into great detail, I decided to stay up all Monday night re-living my dinner. Not pleasant and really not by choice.

On top of the unpleasant reason for staying home, when you realize at 2:30am that you need to call in sick and then email teacher-on-call notes to school, it's really quite a chore. So in addition to being sick and tired (quite literally), you have to have enough brain power to write up plans for the day in between the bouts of - how should I say - "discomfort".

So that was Tuesday. I was hoping to go back to work on Wednesday, but after being up all night on Monday, I could hardly keep my eyes open. I slept most of Tuesday and was hardly drinking water. Wednesday was now out. Trying to write TOC plans on Tuesday (for Wednesday) was almost a bigger chore than the ones I wrote in the middle of the night.

Finally, yesterday, in the afternoon, the Lab TA at our school - she's awesome - phoned to tell me to just stay home one more day and rest. I followed her advice and have now been home for three days. I finally ate some soup today. Yay! It's a small victory, but I'm so tired of texturally devoid liquids - water, powerade, stale gingerale (because you leave it too long and it goes flat).

I realize this is an odd post after such a long drought, but it's what has been happening lately. And when I'm teaching, I feel like I have no time for anything else. Just about everything I have goes into doing a good job in the different aspects of my life - at home, with my husband (my first priority), and at work. Such things leave me little time to blog. To be honest, I don't even get to read blogs as much as I would like anymore. I need to find balance and perspective.

Maybe that's why I'm home right now. My body said "You're done. Deal with it." So after six days off of school, I will go back on Monday for just two more weeks before Christmas break. Two weeks of break before the big push to the end of the semester. Which gives me one more thought... Christmas... I should be buying presents...

1 comment:

B. said...

Hi Candace,

You've been tagged to participate in a fun "six weird things about me" list.

Check out mine at:
