Saturday, January 06, 2007

Tag... I'm it.

So I have been tagged with blogging 6 weird things about myself. Here goes... and please don't judge me.

6 Weird Things About Me:

1. I am a shark-o-phobe. I lived in a land-locked province until 2004 so this fear does not make much sense. When I was five, I was watching a TV show that showed two kids appearing to be eaten by the Jaws shark at Universal Studios. I haven't been the same since. I even had issues with Bruce in Finding Nemo. I looked up the term for someone with a fear of sharks. Interestingly enough there are two terms used, Selachophobia and Galeophobia. The term, galeophobia, is also used for a fear of cats. I love cats. Go figure. (The fact that I looked up the term on a number of different sites, just for reliability, could be considered weird thing 1a.)

2. When I eat my Smarties, I do eat the red ones last. Actually, I save both the red and blue ones for last and then even them out so I have equal numbers of each. I don't know why, but they are my two favorite colors that come in the box and I like to have the same number of each.

3. My cat has asthma so I have to give him an inhaler. I had to take the prescription to a real pharmacy and explain to the pharmacist that I am not actually a mean parent who named their child Simba. Simba is my cat. In the act of doing that, though, I become one of those pet owners. You know the ones I mean. I'm a sucker but I love my cat. See #1. At least I don't throw him birthday parties.

4. When eating a meal, I save a piece of my favorite item for the last bite. I just like to have my last bite before I finish eating to be something I really enjoy. I try to eat my least favorite items first, just to get them out of the way. This way I have good memories of the meal.

5. This weird thing is something that my husband bugs me about, however, I don't think it's weird at all. Apparently when speaking, I pronounce the word "won" incorrectly. You see, I choose to distinguish between "one" and "won" by pronouncing the latter like you would when talking about a wonton.
Eg. I have one (pronounced wun) cat but I won (pronounced juan) the contest.
This differentiation causes no end in laughter from my husband (who thinks I'm talking about a Spanish boy) but I have since discovered where this little eccentricity comes from - my mother. She pronounces won the very same way. Score one for the nurture side of the debate.

6. I enjoy lists. In fact I wrote up a list to make sure that I could come up with 6 things to put on this list. And finding lists helpful isn't inherently weird, but I wrote out the list on paper before typing it up and have done things like that before. I will also rewrite a list if I think it is in the wrong order or if it is too messy. A messy list just doesn't look right and how can it help a person organize if it, itself is not organized.

So there is my list... I don't really have anyone to tag that Andrew hasn't already tagged, so I will just end here.


Anonymous said...

I eat the red smarties first just to spite the stuid commercials. And if I have an uneven number of smarties I give the odd numbered one away. I should have put that on my list...

Lindsay said...

About the shark thing, I feel your pain. But then, you already knew that I shared your irrational fear of sharks. I feel much safer in Saskatchewan than I would where you are, though.

neal said...

my friend (is she really a friend... if she's reading this I suppose that makes her a stalker) makes fun of the way I pronounce tuesday...

I'll admit that I do say tchuesday... but do i really deserve the mockery (at least i dont say man-aise or melk)

christopher said...

yay for the "proper" pronunciation
of won! one does not equal won! :D now if only my fiancee would stop laughing everytime i say won...

brent said...

I totally understand the eating order thing.. though I've relaxed that a bit in my life over the years...that, or I have a tendency to only cook/order the stuff I like, so I'm only eating good memory food...I'm rambling.